markup - hypertext in scheme, producing latex and html Scott Draves see the file COPYING for the license covering this software. this is still very rough. i'm planning on rewriting it completely soon, but I have found it useful for my own work. so here it is. caveat lector. originally by it is written with scsh v0.4, you can get it from: dot (a preprocessor for drawing directed graphs) is available from markup also calls gs (ghostscript), latex, pnmscale, ppmtogif, dot, gnuplot, and jgraph. the bitmap output assumes the browser is set to about 16 point type. this is larger than most people use. note that the output does not include the sizes of the images in the html. this is very bad. i recommend using the program wwwis on the output of markup. you can get it from ---------------------------- be sure to compile the included pgmhack program, and place the binary in your path. issue the following s48 directives to load markup: ,exec ,load loadem.exec ,in markup then process the sample document with (markup 'latex "main") (set! *bib-show-urls* #t) (markup 'html "main") ---------------------------- release 0.7, as of added bar-graph type, renders data to jgraph. added small-caps. assed as-image* to html backend and made semantic-brackets use it. call remember-label from latex.scm. made screen-dpi in convert.scm work. this is the right way to adjust the size of the bitmaps. made textops use times package and documentclass. added literal tag. release 0.6, as of Apr 5 1997 brough html backend up to date, including proper handling of cross references. added gnuplot and as-image. changed formatting for non-terminals. pstoppm adds its own showpage. fixed up sample doc. release 0.5, as of Mar 19 1997 added cross references, small-code, bug fixes. included missing .mar files in distribution. html backend is a bit out of date. note that some versions of ghostscript seem to require a showpage, resulting in "ppmtogif: EOF / read error reading magic number" error. if you get this, try adding it by hand (i use gs v 3.33). release 0.4, as of Apr 18 1996 added BODY tag to documents. pgmhack handles P5 images as well as P2. release 0.3, as of Feb 22 1996 more features: inline dot graphs, lazy texing, tables, bibs, multi-file docs, etc, etc. release 0.2, as of May 14 1995 many additions, modularized: match Pattern Matching Syntactic Extensions spot-util trivial things convert tex and ps to gif and ppm dot generating input for dot layout customizable graph layout of data structures markup the rest (includes latex.scm and html.scm) release 0.1, as of Mar 7 1995